This page is dedicated to answering the reader's questions on gaming subjects. If you have a problem, comment, or question, just e-mail me as usual and more than likely you'll see it posted here (unless you notify me not to post it). I answer all mail, so if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. This section is updated when you need it. Click here for the latest addition.
Questions and answers for Jan. 11, 1999: | By: |
Q: Some of my friends say Dreamcast will suck because it's from Sega. Is this true? | Kevin Yuopy |
A: My advice Kevin, don't listen to those friends, they are obviously biased against Sega. This is the typical immature comment that is heard everyday in the gaming business. Sega is doing very well in Japan, by the way. | Andrew Hernandez |
Questions and answers for Jan. 18, 1999: | By: |
Q: Dreamcast sounds new and exiting, and I am enthusiastically waiting to get one, but there is one question a guy like me has to ask. My finances are restricted to the conventional allowance,5$ per week. My question regards not only the price of the console, but also the price of games and accessories. How much is it selling for in Japan? How much do they expect it to sell for here initially. If I start saving now WILL MY PETTY ALLOWANCE BE SUFFICIENT!? | Chris Franck |
A: The current price of the Dreamcast right now is around $250 (worth of Yen) in Japan. It is estimated by most of my reliable sources that it will be released in the states around September of this year for $200 or less. So if my calculations are correct, you are close, but not quite there (and that's if you save EVERY week). Looks like you'll have to wait another month from the release Chris. As for games and accessories, IMPORT games right now are about ten dollars cheaper than the standard N64 US game, VMS units cost about $30 in most import stores, and controllers are about the same. All prices are likely to be reduced though. Meaning by the time Dreamcast reaches US shores, games and accessories will be about the price of PlayStation's or cheaper! Only time will tell. | Andrew Hernandez |
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